
Welcome to Bloomnthots…

If you are reading this, I am incredibly glad you found your way here. Your presence here makes a world of difference.

First things first…”Bloomnthots” is short for “Blooming thoughts” and is pronounced as such. 🙂

Why Bloomnthots?

Bloomnthots is all about my journey through life with God. Basically, it’s me sharing my thoughts, experiences, lessons learnt and the things that inspire me. The aim is for us all to grow in the image that God has for us; to ‘bloom’ in the areas we are positioned and to enjoy life while we’re at it.

Your role?

Sharing is caring…Honestly I don’t have it all together (as Philippians 3:12-14 so nicely puts it) but I strongly believe that in sharing, we can learn from each other how to navigate through life’s twists and turns. Most importantly, sharing is also learning. What this means is I also want need to hear from you…quite frankly I’m eagerly waiting to hear from you with each post that goes up.

Please be sure to follow and tell a friend to tell a friend 😉 Let’s build this community together. I can’t wait to have you on board.






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